Can I Replace a Damaged Panel of My Garage Door?

Can I Replace a Damaged Panel of My Garage Door?

Replacing Your Damaged Garage Door Panel

Early one morning, you run late for work and don’t have time to make coffee before leaving. Quickly getting into the car and throwing it into reverse, you lose your train of thought for a moment and back the car right into your garage door. Once you gather your thoughts and retreat to safety, you may wonder how you should attempt to fix the garage door.


How to Keep Your Children Safe Around Your Garage


When your child was born, you probably went a little crazy covering electrical outlets, locking kitchen cabinets and placing cleaning products high out of reach. Every parent knows the basics of childproofing their house, but when was the last time you thought about childproofing the garage? It’s easy to overlook garage safety precautions when you’re thinking about your child. After all, it’s not like they play in there every day, right? If you haven’t considered your garage door to be a safety hazard, you aren’t alone. In fact, 82% of Americans admit that they tend to neglect maintenance and safety when it comes to their garage door.

The truth is that your garage — especially the garage door — presents a number of potential dangers for children. Just because their toys aren’t out there or their playroom is on the other side of the house doesn’t mean that their curious minds won’t lead them into the garage when you aren’t looking. Just as you childproof your house, it’s important to take a few minutes to find and eliminate dangers your children may face in the garage. Where should you start? Here are garage door child safety tips to keep in mind.

